Smart, easy-to-use analysis, simulation, and code compliant sizing tools for every piping and equipment engineer/designer.

PASS Software Academic Licenses

Program Overview

Many institution’s engineering programs are becoming increasingly computer based with a growing reliance on commercial engineering software applications. In order to support academia in preparing of young engineer professionals, PASS team has designed Academic License program aimed to provide institutions with free access to the PASS Software.

Starting as of 1st June 2019, the Academic Licensing program allows the use of PASS software for instructional and research purposes. The software can be installed in a classroom or lab as well as on teachers' personal computers. Under the academic license, the use of the software for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

The PASS Software offers smart, easy-to-use analysis, simulation, and code compliant sizing tools for every piping and equipment engineer/designer enabling new users to perform piping and related equipment analysis in days rather than months.

PASS team intends to be a part of providing a strong engineering education to prepare young engineers entering the professional world with all of the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

Program Benefits:

  • Incorporate industry-standard technology into your education programs
  • Get access to entire portfolio of PASS software
  • Get full featured software at no cost
  • Choose one of two (or both) options available: PASS software for teaching purposes or for research
  • Get new releases of software for free
  • Give your students the skills they need for internships and today’s workforce
  • Enable your students to find work faster by gaining experience with the industry’s widely used software.

To request PASS academic licenses, send an email to [email protected].

To learn more about Academic Licenses program, see the FAQ.

Do you need any additional information? Contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

    All accredited academic organizations and colleges are eligible to apply for free academic licensing.
    Academic licenses can be requested by academic organizations located worldwide.
    The academic organization must be an accredited university or college that provides classroom or lab-based instruction to students. PSRE reserves the right to refuse any organization eligibility for any reason.
    The software provided under the free Academic License Program can only be used for instruction or hands-on lab educational use and for researching purposes. Software can only be installed on the organization’s computers and/or on personal computers of teachers/instructors. The use of the software for commercial projects realization or commercially funded research purposes is strictly prohibited under the academic license. Violation of this policy will result in the immediate revocation of the academic license.
    No. Only a member of the staff or faculty at the academic organization can apply for free academic licensing. License can be activated on a student’s computer and/or on a teacher’s/instructor’s computer. Activation of the software on the student's computer must be authorized and overseen by a faculty member. The academic organization is responsible for any violation of the academic license agreement by a student.
    The free academic license is available for the current release versions of PASS/Start-Prof, PASS/Hydrosystem and PASS/Equip in complete configurations or separate modules.
    No. Both academic and commercial versions of the software offer the same functionality.
    To apply for academic licenses, you need to fill out the request form. PSRE Co representative will review it within 3 business days and then will contact you by e-mail.
    If you are eligible for academic licenses, you will receive physical security keys for the requested licenses from PSRE Co.
    During the application process, the academic organization is asked to specify the requested number of licenses based on its needs. PSRE Co representatives will evaluate and make a final decision on this request.
    Yes, the academic license is valid for 1 year from the approval date.
    The academic license can be extended for an additional year upon request. To renew the academic license, you need to provide a report on PASS software usage during the expiring period and a plan for an upcoming period (including a list of publications and the project progress for Research licenses, and information on scheduled courses for Teaching licenses).
    Users of academic licenses are eligible to download the latest versions of PASS software during the license validity period as well as to get support on technical errors. Consultancy and education are not included in the program, but can be provided on commercial basis.